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7 Common Beauty Mistakes You Might Be Making

1. You’re skipping primer

Ever find your foundation to change color throughout the day, turning a light shade of orange? This happens when too much of the pH in the oil of the skin mixes with the pigment in the foundation. To avoid this oxidation, a primer should be applied to act as a barrier.

2. You’re applying eyeshadow after concealer

Always apply your eyeshadow before your under eye concealer. If not, the shadow will fall all over the eye area and undo all your hard work. When dabbing concealer on the under eyes, place it just below the lower lash line.

3. Your bronzer shade is too warm

A shade of bronzer that’s too warm for your skin tone is the direct cause of the dreaded Oompa Loompa look that we see all too frequently. While skin tones that skew warm can make warm shades of bronzer work, it’s always safest to opt for a neutral shade that doesn’t lean red or orange. The idea is to look sunkissed and, well, bronzed, not orange. Look for true beiges and browns rather than warm and ruddy—after all, nobody tans orange naturally.

4. You’re applying mascara to your lower lashes

Coating the lower lashes in mascara makes eyes look smaller and darker, and it’s a guaranteed way to accumulate smudges under your eyes. We hate to say it, but letting your lower lashes do their own thing is the best approach—don’t curl ’em, don’t put mascara on ’em.

5. You’re applying eyeliner too dark on the lower lash line

Applying liner on both the top and bottom lash lines adds depth to the lashes and makes them appear thicker. But go too thick or dark on the bottom lashes, and your eyes end up looking smaller. Instead, use a lighter version of the eyeliner shade you’re using for a softer touch. Another option: use a powder eyeshadow instead of liner.

6. You’re going too dark with your eyebrow pencil

The contrast of blonde hair and dark brows looks great on Cara Delevingne, but going too dark can actually age you. To soften your features and enhance your eye color (especially brown eyes), choose an eyebrow pencil one to two shades lighter than your hair color.

7. You’re applying blush in the wrong area

Place the brush on the apples of your cheeks and sweep outward, blending as you go. Too much blush on the cheeks can create that unflattering clown-like effect, so it’s important to apply it in the same area you actually blush.

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